Welcome to The Adventures of Bobby and George..

Welcome to The Adventures of Bobby and George. Way back then i used to love to write. By writing this blog im trying to recapture that love again. So here are our adventures. Our little family life. For family who live round the corner and for family that dont. For our children to read when they've grown. But really just to write. Hope you enjoy x

Monday, 30 April 2012

Baby G

George is 18 months old. I think its my favourite age. He babbles on and on and on in this unknown language that no one understands but does that stop him. Oh No!

He's absolutely scrummy..

And finally, a bit of juice on the belly.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Recycled posts..

I'm not sure if I'm breaking some sort of blogging rules here but i wanted to share a post i wrote last year.
It came to mind because of this horrendous weather and my manic paranoia to try and keep George dry. I try keep him from getting damp as he's got a weakness in his chest from having Bronc when he was so tiny. So it got me thinking about when were in Alderhay and this post. Also I've been thinking of my sister who is also part of this post. So here goes, A recycled post from my other blog. Breaking the rules or not, tough luck its my blog : )

The beginning of 2011 was a tough one for us for various reasons.One of which was both our boys were admitted to Alder hay within a week of each other. Firstly there was Mr 3,on his third birthday to be precise.We're still not quite sure what happened but while we were watching Home Alone and eating party food he went really pale and his little tummy was working really hard to breathe, so off to the walk in centre we trot.Only to be sent straight to Alder hay when they'd done his obs,during which he was freaking out so much he peed all down my leg as he sat on my knee(i then had to wear the same jeans for the next 24 hours until we were discharged.Nice) It turns out he had a sort of Asthma attack,bless him.

So we finally arrived on the ward at 3am and he screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed for his daddy and that he wanted to go home.At this point i was crying too for his daddy but a bit more considerately.

So you can imagine how welcoming the other parents on the ward were to us.I don't blame them.I would be fuming too if it were me woken up at that time to a child who sounded like he was bordering on possessed.Anyway we were sent home with more steroids and he was fine.

His 8 week old brother however wasn't. Over the next few days he developed a really weird cough.Really high pitched. We took him to the doctor various times and were told it was just a virus.
But the coughing continued and he literally stopped eating.

So another trip to the walk in,to be sent straight to Alder hay(which is a bloody fantastic hospital,the nurses are second to none).He was admitted,had a tube put up his nose and into his tummy so he could have some food and oxygen and nebulisers to help him breathe.He wasn't eating because he was working so hard to breathe he couldn't do both : ( don't get me wrong i know it was only Broncillitus but those 6 days we were there was horrible, seeing my little one all hooked up is something no mum wants to see. We basically had to ride it out,as he needed help with eating and breathing until the bronc had passed. And ride it out we did! 
The little mite has had bronc 3 times since but not half as bad. So I'm not exactly looking forward to this winter  and "broncy season"but hes going for a flue jab soon so hopefully that will help : )

I never intended to blog about this today i just wanted to share a photo,its too precious to put on face book but somehow it feels ok on here. Its one of my favourite photos of all time and 2 of my favourite people are in it.My baby and my baby sister. Her help was invaluable that hellish week,she looked after Mr 3 all morning while my OH came to the hospital and she would come and sit with me and the little one all afternoon.Everyday for 6 days.No doubt she would have done it for as long as we needed her. I adore her and my kids adore her. 

Thankyou Gabs we will never forget it x

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Ten on Tuesday.

1.Tonight we are going out. Yes i do realise its Tuesday today. Out on a school night. Shocking i know.

2. We all love One Direction in our house, this song came on the other day and Bobby knew all the words as he'd been listening to it at nursery. Cute.

3.I started wearing glasses a couple of months ago and I'm finding that the more I wear them the more I need them, does that make sense?!

4.Bobby got into his first choice school for September which is a huge relief. Phew.

5. I'm currently eating an apple trying to convince myself that it tastes as good as a chocolate digestive.

6.I cannot pick George up without kissing him. Fact.

7. In a few weeks me and some friends are starting a good food club. I went to one in Liverpool for a time but got all pregnant and sick so couldn't really eat anything, but i loved it. Anyway the format is who ever hosts it cooks the main, someone does the starter and someone else cooks the dessert. Did i mention I'm ridiculously excited ladies?!

8.On Saturday i had a child free day and attended a Mentoring course.It was ace. I'm passionate about mentoring and think it can work really well in a youth group/church/secular environment. It felt good to use my brain tbh!

9. My tomato plants that i loving cultivated for weeks were killed by that blumming snow we had a few weeks ago. Gutted.

10. I love this song.It never fails to make me smile : )

Please  take a look at my lovely friends 10's Sarah Hannah Helen Esther Jo

Monday, 23 April 2012

A Pirate Adventure

Bobby is obsessed with pirates. He's got 2 pirate boats,loooves Quasi the Kitten, and is on the look out for treasure ALL the time. Some days you just need to embrace your inner pirate..


Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Ten on Tuesday.

1. Bobby announced today that he wanted roasted egg for lunch. Hhmmmm..

2. This is mainly what George has been doing all week.

3.Bobs went back to school today after the Easter Hols. Hurray!!

4.Ive just registered with Britmums and finding it all a little daunting tbh! Any tips from other blogging mums most welcome.

5.The weather here in my Yorkshire town today has been so messed up. As i was walking up to nursery it was cracking the flags as they say up here and suddenly it started hailing. Its all very confusing Mr Weather. Please sort it out.

6.I became the proud owner of a smeg fridge this weekend. I 'won' it on eBay for £250.50p. I'm so chuffed. Here it is in all its glory..

7.I was asked a question today that i have never been asked "Mummy can i have a duckling?"

8.Yesterday my sister said something round about this to me, "Luce I'm not being funny but you proper need to sort out your spelling on your blog, If i handed in an assignment to uni like that I'd be marked down"  Well praise the Lord that this isn't an assignment,and bless my sister (i think ; ) ) for giving me feed back. In all seriousness can some one lend me a English, grammar, spelling for dummies book please.

9.  This weekend my cousins girlfriend gave birth to their baby girl. She's so so beautiful. All scrunched up with tiny fingers and fantastic big eyes. so peaceful and content. I held her for a good hour. If i could place an order for a baby just like her i would have one now. Right now. When Bobby was George's age we had already started trying for another baby, so the thoughts are there, but they will stay thoughts for now! Next time for us the stakes are higher, Wowzers 3 kids. Not for the faint hearted!

10. 9 Years ago yesterday someone dear to me passed away. Mann 9 years. 9 whole years. I think of you often and i cant help but think about the woman that you'd be now. Ive gotta go now as its hard to type through the tears x x

If you enjoyed this then you may like these Hannah Sarah Esther Helen Jo

Monday, 16 April 2012

An Eating out Adventure

A couple of months ago while walking out of a coffee shop in the beautiful Yorkshire village of Howath, a lady stopped me and said THE nicest thing i could ever hear. "Excuse me, Can i just tell you how beautifully well behaved your children are" God bless that woman.  To say i welled up was an understatement. I could have kissed her,scrap that i could have married her. Honestly it was music to my ears. Is there a more satisfying statement that you could hear?!
Ok Luce, That's great but come on its not that good is it?! I can hear you say. But for me folks,that was it. I had peaked as a mum!
After this had happened i was having a good think about why it made me feel so good. I think it was a number of reasons.
One would be that, I'd say one of my biggest battles is not caring about what other people think of me. I totally do. And i wish i didn't, I'm working on it, but the reality is i do.
Secondly i like to think i try to respect other people in restaurants. Not everyone is child friendly,some people may have left their children at home and are having a child free lunch. So i try to keep my boys near us and the volume turned down slightly.
Also i want to teach my kids that if we are in a restaurant then there is a way to behave while we are there.I'm not talking about a pub with a beer garden/play area where the kids run wild and so they should. I'm talking about them sitting at the table while they eat their dinner. I appreciate some kids cant do this, and that's fine, I'd be the last person to judge them.
We went out for dinner yesterday with my dad for his birthday,And my kids defiantly had a cheekiness/cuteness combo going on. Bobby sat for most of the time with his cousin at the end of the table because my sister had the genius thought to bring Lego for them. So he was sorted.
2 minutes in his highchair and it became crystal clear that George however had no intention of sitting anywhere or staying still for that matter for longer than 45 seconds. He then went on to throw his Yorkshire pudding in my lovely (and very glam it has to be said ) friends bag, to stand and talk to our fellow diners at their table, Look out the window 3 thousand times and get in the way of the poor waitress trying to deliver our food too many times to count.
So even if i strive to get my kids to a standard level to sit in a restaurant and eat their dinner,as you can see this is a work in progress. We are a work in progress. However i find snacks for George and toys for Bobby in the nappy bag really help and lets only put the 18 month old in his high chair at the very very last minute.

Here's a link to the restaurant we went to yesterday  The House. I'd honestly recommend it if you live in West Yorkshire and have kids or don't have kids. They were super child friendly, brought the kids main while we had our starter and ice cream while we had our mains. Lovely!

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Saturday Saturday..

It is a well known fact that i have a love hate relationship with a Saturday.
My OH until very recently worked Mon-Sat and had Sunday as his day of. He's just started taking every other weekend off, which i must say is lush. He's self employed so basically works his butt off because he has too. He's a watercolour artist and a very good one at that. You can check out his blog Here or Here.

For some reason Saturdays feel different to any other day and I'm often stuck for things to do with the kids. Alot of my friends tend to have Saturday as a family day, Most local attractions seem to be soo busy I'd rather not venture to them tbh. And even though id be more than happy to spend a weekday in the house just pottering with the kids, it feels different on a Saturday somehow.

Don't get me wrong I'm not having a moan, i feel incredibly lucky that my husband works from home and to an extent be flexible with his time. He's practically perfect to be fair. But the truth is i do have a love hate relationship with Saturdays.

Today is a love Saturday, we've pottered around this morning, had brunch, kids mood so far so good. And we may even venture into town later so Bobby can get his very much favouritist sausage roll from Gregg's for his Saturday tea.

This sums up our brunch,scrambled eggs, crumpets, tea and Lego.

Brew up..

And George looking mega cute

Friday, 13 April 2012

The dreaded C word

The dreaded C word. I cant abide it.
Mann it will eat you up if you let it. Just when i thought i had banished comparison from my life, I had kids. There is nothing like a mum and toddler group which will raise the ugly beast back to life.
For me it started as a girl, a ginger one at that. Not as clever as my friend, not nearly as pretty. Not blond and slim but ginger and plain. Its weird writing these words because its a world away now. Maybe its hitting 30, I'm comfy in my own skin now and I'm comfy with my own hair colour!
The big C then progressed as i got older. I was always looking this way and that. Comparing who i was, what i had to other people. And what comparison doesn't tell you is, its a mugs game. Your never the winner for long. You may think your skinnier than the person in front of you and no doubt it will give you a little lift, until you see someone far slimmer than you've ever been and then you'll plummet down. I honestly thought id knocked it on the head until i had kids.
And then the baby Olympics began..
Theres always someone in a toddler group that has a perfect child. Slept through the night at 2 hours old, started walking at 6 weeks. You know the kind. I'm sure you've met her.
My eldest was a great sleeper but he wasn't one for smiling on demand. More of a frowner at strangers really. Old ladies in Asda, take heed, He will not smile at you as he does not know you so please ease up and just leave us alone. My youngest however will shout "hiya" to anyone he see's.
The truth is all our children are different. And i am the perfect mum for my kids, As you are for yours. All our kids will have issues with us when their older. That's part of life. Lets just enjoy them, Love them and bring them up the best we can. And lets face it we all deserve a parenting medal most days. So please, no baby Olympics here.


I'm not sure why i wanted to write a new blog i just did. There was nothing wrong with my old one and i know i could well have changed that one but to be honest i think i lost my blog mojo.
I wasn't that happy with the name and blog address,it just all became a bit stale for me. Its still there for now but something about me needed a change.
For me i know i have to do something if i feel that excitement in my belly, And when i thought of the adventures of bobby and george i felt excited. Like a new chapter.
This may be gibberish to you but to me its whats in my head. I probably wont go public with it just yet(going public makes it sound like something very exotic and exciting lol!) and by public i mean putting it on my facebook but I'm sure i will soon enough.
I just need to write, i can feel it inside of me. Its weird. But i hope to become better the more i write. And this season that I'm in,this toddler/pre school season that I'm in is what I'm going to write about. My 2 precious boys. So welcome to the adventures of Bobby and George. I hope you enjoy the ride as much as i am already.