Welcome to The Adventures of Bobby and George..

Welcome to The Adventures of Bobby and George. Way back then i used to love to write. By writing this blog im trying to recapture that love again. So here are our adventures. Our little family life. For family who live round the corner and for family that dont. For our children to read when they've grown. But really just to write. Hope you enjoy x

Friday, 13 April 2012

The dreaded C word

The dreaded C word. I cant abide it.
Mann it will eat you up if you let it. Just when i thought i had banished comparison from my life, I had kids. There is nothing like a mum and toddler group which will raise the ugly beast back to life.
For me it started as a girl, a ginger one at that. Not as clever as my friend, not nearly as pretty. Not blond and slim but ginger and plain. Its weird writing these words because its a world away now. Maybe its hitting 30, I'm comfy in my own skin now and I'm comfy with my own hair colour!
The big C then progressed as i got older. I was always looking this way and that. Comparing who i was, what i had to other people. And what comparison doesn't tell you is, its a mugs game. Your never the winner for long. You may think your skinnier than the person in front of you and no doubt it will give you a little lift, until you see someone far slimmer than you've ever been and then you'll plummet down. I honestly thought id knocked it on the head until i had kids.
And then the baby Olympics began..
Theres always someone in a toddler group that has a perfect child. Slept through the night at 2 hours old, started walking at 6 weeks. You know the kind. I'm sure you've met her.
My eldest was a great sleeper but he wasn't one for smiling on demand. More of a frowner at strangers really. Old ladies in Asda, take heed, He will not smile at you as he does not know you so please ease up and just leave us alone. My youngest however will shout "hiya" to anyone he see's.
The truth is all our children are different. And i am the perfect mum for my kids, As you are for yours. All our kids will have issues with us when their older. That's part of life. Lets just enjoy them, Love them and bring them up the best we can. And lets face it we all deserve a parenting medal most days. So please, no baby Olympics here.


  1. What a treat to see you writing and creating this new blog. I welcome your honesty especially about the realities of being a girl, woman and a mum...there is not enough of that in the world...and though its a long time since I looked after my now grown children I can identify with your experiences...heartwarming...keep writing!!! X
