Welcome to The Adventures of Bobby and George..

Welcome to The Adventures of Bobby and George. Way back then i used to love to write. By writing this blog im trying to recapture that love again. So here are our adventures. Our little family life. For family who live round the corner and for family that dont. For our children to read when they've grown. But really just to write. Hope you enjoy x

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Mum, Dad just broke the private rule..

This post isn't an easy read or very funny. It contains a meaty issue, a paranoid woman who's sometimes on the edge of running away to an Amish village and bringing her kids up in a 'safe' place, and a mental woman in toys r us.

All this thinking started in my head a few days ago, after a certain conversation- the one below- and i wanted to put this out there, to see what people think, to gather advice from other parents. But mainly for someone to say i am not alone.

"Mum, Dad just broke the private rule"
Me: What do you mean love? What private rule?
Bobby: "He just touched my bum".

I had 3 initial responses to this. My first was what the chuff is the private rule? Secondly i just wanted to laugh, that it was his dad that had broken the Private rule. Thirdly i was relieved. Relived that what i had been saying to him was going in.

We've been having issues recently, we're trying to teach our son who has no concept of privacy that his "bits" are his bits. That they are private, they are his and no the whole of Morrisons don't want to see them.
This is a subject that i think is close to my heart. I worry about bad things happening to my kids. When i say bad things i mean bad things by bad people. We teach our children that there is no such thing as monsters. Yet i know differently. For a fact. There are actual monsters in this world.  Its such a difficult subject to write about, i think because its such a horrific thing. I choose not to think about it, but just because i choose not to think about it,it doesn't mean that its not an issue. I'm not sure what to teach my kids about paedophiles. urgh i cant believe i wrote that word. Obviously i don't want to bring them up to fear people but i think there should be a certain amount of 'stranger danger'.

I read articles about victims and i think how can i stop this happening to my child. When they were both small i could keep them so i was always watching them but now they are getting older I'm not sure i can.

We are staying on a caravan site and i don't like Bobby playing in between the caravans, he ask why and i tell him its because i want him to play where i or his dad can see him. His dad is much more relaxed than me, i want him to be able to roam free too but all i think about is we don't know who is in those caravans. I start to get a bit panicky and make a new rule that the kids can only play on the decking which is around our caravan. I know in my heart of hearts that this restriction has a shelf life. I cant keep my children so close to me all their lives.Nor do i want too. I don't want them to grow up in fear but i want them to grow up empowered.

Also I'm aware of something someone professional told me recently. When you suffer from a type of trauma, and are faced with everyday situations which may trigger a memory of your experience then you may not be able to deal with it in a rational way because a chemical is released in the front of your brain which causes you to panic and you cant see past this situation without relating back to the trauma.Therefor you cant act or think rationally. Or how you would think or act normally. I'm not sure of all the science in this or biology for that matter, I'm just going on what a trusted friend has told me. Plus it makes sense to me. So when i think of how i acted like a mental woman when we lost Bobby in toys r us for a few minutes, i was screaming his name and shouting at people that id lost my son (those poor people!!), It now makes sense to me that all i could think was that someone was walking out the door with him.

Im writing this and thinking "whats the point in sitting here, bringing all these feelings up, no bodys going to want to read this anyway beacuse it will make them feel uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable writing it. I feel vulnerable writing this. No one likes to feel vulnerable. Im sat here at my dads caravan, One of my kids is napping and the other is out walking with his dad, so im putting this post out there. What i want to know is how do other people, parents, grandparents feel about this. do you worry too? Am i on my own in this?

I'm sorry that this post is so rambled. I've hovered over the post button with this post more than any other but this is a bit of an issue for me and i want to know what other people do, what do you teach your kids about strangers or appropriate privacy?  I'm going to link this post to my face book but if you'd rather not comment as that's too public,please message me.

Thank you for reading, Lucy x


  1. HI Lucy, It's a real co incidence you wrote about this today, cos I have been thinking about this a lot recently too. So no, you are NOT alone. I think it is very natural to worry about these things. I could say a lot of things, but about a year ago I went on a child protection trainig thingy as part of my childminder training, and the lady there said just one little gem which stuck with me, and I have thought about lots. Sadly, children who are abused by strangers and sadly family members too are sometimes children who are lacking in self confidence, or kind of timid children, Now, this is obviously a generlisation, but she said with refernce to child minding, but the same goes with parenting, is that one of the best things we can do to protect children ( from SOME but sadly not all abuse and harm) is instilling self confidence and the vocabulary to express themselves. I have really found this helpful in kind of thinking about boundaries physically and emmotionally with Willow and when she has a tantrum and shows what she wants, it kind of reminds me that she can express herself, and she is able to show that, and it's our job to allow her this freedom somehow. But yes, I am intrigued at other people's and your thoughts on this too :) Willow told her daddy off this week cos he was tickling her and she wanted him to stop, I was really pleased ! I want her to know it's up to her what people do with her during play or otherwise.

  2. Thankyou Hannah! it is good to know that im not alone! I was made up when Bobby said about Pete breaking the private rule. Especially because id never made that rule but he had himself!
    Its funny you should say this as me and Pete were talking today about how we should give our kids the words to express themselves. A friend messaged me about the post and she said that they had a agreement with her parents that they would use specific words in situations where they felt uncomfortable. Their word was marshmellow. I think we'll be doing something similar with Bobs. I sure think that youve got a point with kids having self confidence too, Also having the self confidence to tell their parents if something has happened. The whole issue is an absolute mine field but you've just got to work out what your family rules are. I guess thats what we are doing..

  3. Thanks for being brave and posting this Lucy! I haven't had any personal experiences to make me super-sensitive to it, but still find it terrifying. I found this post useful: http://www.checklistmommy.com/2012/02/09/tricky-people-are-the-new-strangers/, and i've tried to instill some of it into Beniah. His speech is really difficult to understand (especially when he's upset), which possibly adds an extra layer of complexity. I've sometimes written my mobile number on him in biro if we go out somewhere busy, in case we get separated. But beyond that, I just don't know.

  4. Lucy you are brave to make yourself so transparent in this post, good on you woman, I often wonder why we hide the things that the devil wants us to fear. I can understand cos recently I thought pip was with one person and I found out that person had gone to hospital and had passed pip onto someone else temporarily. I went spare trying to get hold of Iain, I just kept thinking "I don't know that person as well", but realistically I had no reason to fear that person either, and yet I did! This fear was exactly that, fear. I guess I have no answers, but I recognise fear, and so do you wise woman, and you know what we do with fear, we don't give in and we kick it back where it belongs!
