Welcome to The Adventures of Bobby and George..

Welcome to The Adventures of Bobby and George. Way back then i used to love to write. By writing this blog im trying to recapture that love again. So here are our adventures. Our little family life. For family who live round the corner and for family that dont. For our children to read when they've grown. But really just to write. Hope you enjoy x

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Ten on Tuesday.

1. I feel a bit wingey tonight, so i apologise in advance.

2. I fed my kids garlic bread for tea tonight. It went down well with George but Bobby has decided it doesn't like the garlic bit.

3. In a few weeks the season of 'going away 2/3 days a week' for Pete will be over till March. I'm so ready for it.

4. I am so over winter and all its bugs already. For the past 6 weeks, at least 1 of my kids has been on antibiotics/steroids/inhalers/copious amounts of calpol, if not both of them. .
It's chest infections aplenty over here. And to make matters worse my doctors are not giving children under 5 the flue jab. So even though about 900 doctors have said Bobby probably has asthma, they won't diagnose him till he's 5. So no flue jab for him. As for George who has a weakness in his chest from being properly poorly when he was 8 weeks old, last year he had the jab and I swear didn't even have a runny nose all winter. Well not this year. I know in the grand scheme of things this is so tiny , but in our little household a cold or chesty chesty coughs mean the difference between sleep and no sleep. Need I say more... ( I've just read this back and I know I sound a bit like a spoiled brat, I know that that are loads of worse things in the world right now., but I just want to write down what's going round in my head.)

5. Me and George spent about 3 hours at my grandma and grandads today. This is good for my soul.

6. I swear I recognise everyone in Halifax.

7. My guilty pleasure is Towie. I love it.

8. In just under a month my baby will be 2. 2 whole years old. How did that happen?

9. I've recently come across this family's story,and this woman's fight. I think the only way I can help is by sharing it.

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