Welcome to The Adventures of Bobby and George..

Welcome to The Adventures of Bobby and George. Way back then i used to love to write. By writing this blog im trying to recapture that love again. So here are our adventures. Our little family life. For family who live round the corner and for family that dont. For our children to read when they've grown. But really just to write. Hope you enjoy x

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Ten on Tuesday.

Today has left me thinking about what i have to be thankful for. So this post is 10 things which make my heart glad. It may be a bit cringe but its my blog and frankly I'll write what i like. If you don't like it, don't read it.There's no room for haters here. Its a bit random but here goes.

1. Its been so nice to have a bit of sunshine this week. Here's a pic of George enjoying the sun..

2. With the sunshine comes a paddling pool..

3. And lots of looong naps. I've been reluctant to share this in case it ended but since George has started walking he's had a few 3 hour lunch time naps. Get in.

4. Convo I've just heard upstairs..bobby to his dad 'dad were you my dad when i was a baby?' Pete 'Bobby I've always been your dad and i will always be your dad. Forever and ever'. Makes my heart melt.

5. I love this website and came across this cute video. I'm so grateful for my dad and that my kids also have an great dad.

6. Bobby wrote his name for the first time the other day. Totally unprompted. It may have been one of the proudest moments of my life..

7. Came in to our room this morning and George was just chillin on our bed. He looked well cute. As you can see..

8. This past week or so we've been mega busy. Last Sunday we drove to my dads caravan at Castle Howard with my mother in law,we got back late Tuesday night.Had Wednesday at home then Pete went away to Cambridge till late Friday night. Early doors Sat morning (I'm talking 7.30am) we bundeled the kids in the car and drove to Exeter to see Pete's Grandad in hospital who sadly suffered a stroke. Then to my Gorgeous Aunty's house for the night. Sunday we drove to spend the day in Bristol with our lovely family. So at 7pm Sunday eve we drove back home. Wowzers. Mammoth trip. It was so nice to return to home to Halifax though. I think my heart belongs here.

9. I'm pretty sure I'm due a sleep in very soon.

10. Last Friday marked the third non-uniform day in a row that i forgot and sent Bobs into school in his uniform. Someone please get these kids a therapist.

Linking in with Hannah Sarah Helen Esther

Monday, 28 May 2012

The chaos of family life. And getting 3 children to sit still for a photo.

Pete's step sister Michelle and her beautiful baby girl Elly are vising the UK from New Zeland at the moe, so we went popped in on them for a little catch up and so we could all meet little Elly. I found these photos on my phone as we'd attempted to photo all the cousins together, they are so comedy I had to post them.

It started off well..

Then Bobby forgot he was holding Elly and she sort of landed head first on the mat.She was very forgiving about it though and took it all in her stride.

OK back to it kids..

Then George gets board..

Refusing to cooperate.

As you can see Bobby and Elly arn't impressed with Georges antics.

Bobby seems to have nodded off..

And  finally a nice one with the mums too..

Friday, 25 May 2012

My Dad x

I love my Dad. Like really love him. I love him with that fierce love, the one that gets you right in your belly. I feel so protective of him.Like if anyone were to criticise him i would jump on them. I know my sister and brother think this too.
He's a man of another generation, a generation gone by.
What he lacks in cleaning and any sort of cooking skills (although he's a machine with the George Foreman) He makes up in other areas. Like he'll always try and carry my bags(i generally have at least 2 bags and at least 1 child on me most of the time).
He'll never ever ever let me pay for my meal if we go out for dinner. He told me off the other day and said "Lucy. You don't need to open your purse when your with me."Very sternly actually. And he's not stern often.But when he is, he is.
Like when I was a teenager and I'd try and have a bit of a moan about my mum, he'd always tell me off, saying i shouldn't say that about my mum. They have been divorced for around 25 years. I've never heard him say a bad word about her. That's the sort of man he is. Always respectful.
He's bailed me out so many times. Soo many times.
Like when i was teenager, I'd ring him if I'd had an argument with my boyfriend. I'd be stood there crying on the street and he'd take me home, Gently.
He's a true gent my dad.
I feel so blessed to have him.
I know he's not perfect. He's a recovering alcoholic but he's been dry for coming up to 14 years.
I love the way he treats people. He has time for everyone. He meets all sorts of people, i remember him bringing an homeless man to church once and i guarantee he would treat that man just as he would treat someone famous who he'd meet through AA or Bradford city. I know he looks at people in those desperate situations and thinks if it weren't for the grace of God.
I moved in with my dad in my late teens,we lived off Emmerdale and pasta pesto until he said he didn't really like that green stuff i made him.Back to the slow cooked beef stew he would make and keep it on the go all week. That we all grimaced at but secretly tucked into.
My dad was there for me when no one else was.
I saw him frustrated at situations he could do nothing to change.
I know this is a heavy one. Sorry about that. Its just sometime you realise that life is short, and if you have a hero than you must tell them that.
Dad you are my hero. Thankyou x

Midnight Wakenings

So this post started as a 10 on Tuesday type post but I've got allsorts whizzing round in my head at the moment and this is just a bit I thought I'd share..
At 2.45 this morning I had a sort of Epiphany. I think. I'd woken up about 2am after a bad dream and couldn't get back to sleep. Pete is away at the moment and he's worked away 2/3 days a week for a couple of years now so I'm pretty good at being in the house on my own at night. But last night was different.
I woke up sweating with my heart racing relieved that what had just happened (all my family in a gas explosion) wasn't real. I then was convinced someone was going to break into the house. It was weird because like I said I'm generally fine on my own in the night.
I was trying to figure out why this happens to me every couple of weeks, sometimes I'll wake Pete up and make him go downstairs to check the house James Bond style. And I'm militant at locking the doors before i go to bed (locksmiths daughter).
I know this sounds crazy. This doesn't make sense to me as we've never been broken into at night before. But then i remembered.
When I was a little girl, I think about 5. We were broken into. It was nothing dramatic but i could hear my little puppy barking like mad and knew there was someone in the house. I didn't do anything because obviously i was 5 and well scared so just stayed in my bed. Like i said it wasn't anything dramatic but it makes sense to me now why i get a bit freaked in the night occasionally.
I like it when things make sense.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Ten on Tuesday

Ten on Tuesday. A rather late edition..

1. My kids are currently running wild still in their pjs as i write this.

2. Planning a little trip to my dads caravan next week its in the grounds of Castle Howard. Its gorgeous.

3.Saw this on Twitter this morning, it made me smile : )

4.While we were watching the voice last week,Bobby became really concerned. His face dropped,
I asked him what was wrong and he replied "mom, 2 artists are in danger this week!!" Bless him.
You forget just how much they take in at this age don't you?! Add to that his dads profession and you can see why he was worried..

5. This sums up Baby G this week..

6. More than a little excited about the Unique conference at Frontline on Saturday!

7.The church we go to is called The Kings church.On Sunday we were there and Bobby heard someone say Kings church.He verified it with us. Then promptly asked, 'Well where's the King then?" Lol.

8.Totally forgot about 10 on Tuesday last week, Bank holiday and all that.

9. What the chuff is going on with the weather?

10. This is week 1 of Bobby being Dairy free. Progress? We are getting there..

Linking in with  Sarah Esther Hannah Helen Jo

Monday, 14 May 2012

Dairy free kid

I am sitting at the computer drinking green tea.

Trying to think what my life would look like without Dairy. How my brews will taste with no milk.
Or more to the point what Bobby's diet would look like without it. I'm a bit overwhelmed and have no idea where to start. To be honest I've been putting it off, but his eczema is so bad at the moment I'll do anything to help him. So cutting out Dairy from his diet it is..

So I'm writing this post because i need help! Does anyone have a recipe books they would recommend? Or any genius tips in how to get a 4 year old to drink different mike and eat different chocolate???


Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Ten on Tuesday

1. Ive just heard Bobby say to his dad who's doing bath time up stairs "Dad I'm scared of having my hair washed". Nice try kid.

2. When we go to the supermarket Bobby always insists on going to see the fish at the fish counter. The guy at the Morrison's near us doesn't even bother asking me if i need anything any more.We were there the other week and Bob said "mummy look a broccoli fish" when he saw what i think is curly kale,i tried unsuccessfully to explain that it was only there for decorative purposes.

3. Ive had a head ache for about a week now. This obviously isn't ideal.

4. Yesterday my husband brought home a injured bird. This is not good for a number of reasons. Number 1 being that i get ridiculously attached to animals.I think Bobby takes after me in this area as he was gutted when we handed the bird "feathery" to the vets this morning. He's defiantly in touch with his feelings. Alot like me really.

5. Once again i would like to thank the creators of Baby Jake. You are the reason i get ANYTHING done at home.

6. My sister is currently in Minorca right now.Nope.Not jealous at all.

7. Tonight we had superhero curry. More importantly it went down very very well. Get in.

8. Today I've been told that i smell like the dustbin and that I'm going to be thrown away. By my delightful 4 year old.

9. I actually think i may be addicted to biscuits. Special measures may have to be taken.

10. I flipping love this song..

Linking in with the other ladies = Sarah Hannah Jo  Esther Helen