The return of Ten on Tuesday....
1) I haven't wrote on my blog for about 18 months. I'm not sure why I stopped. I think I got too concerned about what people thought of it (and me). I think also I thought people were sick of reading it, which is crackers to think that because if people were sick of reading it, they simply wouldn't read it. Simples.
2) There were a few reasons I started the blog. A) I enjoy writing. B) I wanted to have a kind of online memoir for my family as we all got older. C) I love it when people love what I write. D) I enjoy writing.
3) I think I'm going to rekindle my blog romance, watch this space ...
4) When I was little I remember looking at my mums catalogue and seeing an advert for some up and coming, very sought after Reebok trainers and on that page it said "watch this space", so I did. For a while I think. Just watched the page. Nothing happened obv.
5) Yesterday George ran out of the restaurant we were having lunch in, straight into the middle of a busy car park outside. I ran after him and screamed blue murder at him, mainly because I was terrified he would be hit by a car. I did feel a bit guilty about shouting at him but felt even more embarrassed walking back into the restaurant where I'm sure some of the diners had heard EVERYTHING I said (or shouted). Stay classy Luce. *hangs head in shame*
6) Another Classic George moment of the weekend happened when I was sitting on a bench having a coffee on Saturday at a farm. Picture the scene if you will, when I say bench I mean those that you get in pub beer gardens but mini ones, child friendly ones. It was really busy. I was really enjoying my coffee when suddenly George was behind me and before I knew it he had pulled my top right up to my neck and I was flashing half my backside and a whole load of back fat!! The poor fella behind us got an eyeful, scarred for life he will have been.. Pete tactful mention something about a full moon. I frantically pulled my top back down quickly but sadly not quick enough. I'm sweating now as I recall it. Worst nightmare stuff this is!!
7) You probably heard we have an new addition to our tribe. Beautiful Annabelle. More on her later (must remember to change blog name).
8) In 3 sleeps in going to Barcelona with some of my favourite people. With NO kids. NO KIDS. I repeat NO KIDS!! Yeeeehaaaarrr!!!! So excited, I think I may have peaked to early tho, my aim is to party but also to sleep.
9) Who'd have thought a baby walker could be so much fun!!
10) I hereby pledge to write on my blog more and not to worry about what people think.